Saturday, January 23, 2010

....Saturday Night.....

I've been putting off writing this blog for some time now....not really sure why...but seeing that it's a perfect opportunity, please consider this my very first post.

I guess the proper thing to do would be to say simply "hello." I'm not sure what brought you to my blog, but I certainly hope when you're finished you will find yourself a little happier than before you came and quite possibly inspired to gather your own thoughts and begin to share.

Next, I must introduce you to my children you'll see pictured on the left. I can promise you that I will write a lot about them from now on as they are my inspiration. They are the light(s) of my life, and I am who I am because of them.

Because of them you might ask? Yes, because they see all that I am, the good and the bad, I want them to see the very best I possibly can give....and although they are often reminded of how 'good' I am not, at least they all know that I never give up, nor will I ever stop trying to become better. Is it me or is the feeling of a child's unconditional love overwhelming to consider? I mean, I often ask God, "what did Ido to deserve them?" To which His Holy Spirit replies...."Nothing." I have known very few things for certain in my life, but of that limited list of certainties, I believe I have always known I would be the mother of these precious children. A mother is what I have always wanted to become.

Finally, now that you have met my inspiration(s) and you know what I am inspired to be, everything from this point forward, will just make a lot more sense. Thus, thank you for joining me today, and please go out and love children with all of your heart. That is all they are searching for and what they need most in their lives. Until next time ~ CLJ